The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute has rolled out a memorable song, music video, website and social campaign to teach and encourage a new generation to close their bedroom door to add valuable escape time in case of fire.

Forty years ago, victims had an average of 17 minutes to escape a burning home after the activation of a smoke alarm. Today, that time has dropped to three minutes or less due to evolutions in furnishings, homes incorporating more open layouts and lightweight construction materials, allowing fires to spread much quicker. It all leads to less time to get out of the house.

A decade of research by UL FSRI found that a simple behavioral change, closing your bedroom door, could have a potentially life-saving impact by providing a layer of protection between you and the fire. A room with an open door showed temperatures over 500°C, while a room with a closed door had temperatures at only 37°C. Research also showed that a closed door kept room conditions survivable longer than an open door.

UL FSRI “Close Your Door” is a public service engagement (PSE) utilizing a variety of communications to drive people to where we encourage them to take the pledge, join the Close Your Door Crew, and learn more about fire safety.

The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute is dedicated to providing independent research, knowledge and training for the fire safety community and for the protection of people and property around the world. Through “Close Your Door”, UL FSRI hopes to further serve the UL public safety mission by inspiring a generational change for a safer world.